Thursday, July 9, 2020

"nice and fluffy"

As expected, I heard from SGF this afternoon with what I thought I would hear - for the most part.  Kim, our nurse was out of the office, so a nurse I had not yet worked with called and left me a voicemail to return her call.  When I spoke with her, she was quick to tell me that my bloodwork was great and that my uterus was triple-lined and "nice and fluffy."  I guess if I have to have someone describe my uterus, this is a good thing?  All in all, though, the lining is not where it needs to be (8 mm).  

This could definitely be due to the fact that I started the estrace later than originally planned.  However, there really is no reason to worry.  I will stay on the oral estrace three times a day, which was already in the timeline - no change there.  The one update is that I also now have to vaginally insert one of these estrace pills into my vagina to let it dissolve twice a day.  Yuck!  I guess I'll do whatever it takes, and I assume it could be much worse.

Lastly, because all boxes have to be checked, I have to return to SGF for another round of bloodwork and ultrasound.  Hopefully at that point, my lining will be where it needs to be and we will proceed with the fresh transfer on or around the 20th!!!

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. We are staying tuned. I wish you the best. Take care and be well. May this journey enrich your life.
