Thursday, July 16, 2020

surprise call

This afternoon was difficult.  All of a sudden, a wave of exhaustion hit me.  Exhaustion that I haven't experienced in quite some time.  I could barely stay awake at my desk and when I was on calls, I couldn't concentrate and couldn't bring myself to process questions and formulate appropriate responses.  It was quite concerning.  I immediately emailed our nurse to ask if the new vaginal suppository could be throwing me for a loop, or maybe in addition to the progesterone shots yesterday?  Kim was quick to say that it is likely my body's response to the myriad of hormones that I am on and it is in fact quite normal to feel this way.  Shew.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't nuts!

Then, I got a call from a Northern Virginia number that I didn't know.  Normally, I do not answer calls that I am unaware of the caller, but something told me to go ahead and answer.  It was Dr. Nair!  She was just calling to check in and make sure there were no last minute questions.  I told her about the exhaustion and too she mentioned it is probably just a mixture of all of the hormones and anxiety of the process.  She said unfortunately there is no other way to change medications.  I can totally appreciate that and was not suggesting that we change or discontinue anything - I just needed reassurance that I was not going crazy.

Dr. Nair said we were all on track for the transfer on the 18th.  That stopped me in my tracks.  I said, wait, it is supposed to be the 20th, right?  She looked back at the chart and said she had it wrong that it was Monday.  Oh my goodness, I was about to spiral - glad we got that cleared up quickly.  Apparently, right now they have what looks to be five viable embryos!  Of course, they will continue to be monitored and only tested again the day of transfer.  

It was so wonderful to hear from Dr. Nair.  When I first met her over the phone last September, I really, really liked her.  I liked her realism but also how much she wanted this for Bethany and Phillip.  The main thing on her mind, though, was my weight.  I think that was the same position we were all in.  When we got the opportunity to meet Dr. Nair in person last December, I again fell in love with her.  There was something about her attitude, hope, faith, and medical expertise that put me at ease.  She was blown away by my determination to lose weight and before the four of us left her office, she looked at me and said "I have no doubt you will make this happen and I look forward to being there for you throughout the process."

Due to the distance and the fact that my monitoring is in Richmond, I have not had the opportunity to see her again.  Nor have I spoken to her.  Because she went out of her way to call and check in (when she really didn't have to) put me at ease and gave me a great sense of gratitude for the physician that will be helping to make all of this a huge success.

Lastly, she told me that Bethany/Phillip and I can FaceTime during the transfer.  This is something that we were previously told we couldn't do.  Dr. Nair did mention that it is really a call that the doctor doing the transfer makes, but because of COVID and other constraints there is really no reason why we couldn't.  In addition, I can take a brief video of the actual transfer on the screen and send it to them to have.  I think that will be pretty special since they will be unable to be in the room with me.  The icing on the cake is that Dr. Nair said that she is scheduled to be in Rockville on Monday and she said she will do anything in her power to be the doctor to do the transfer.  While she couldn't assure me she would be able to because scheduling is crazy due to all of the external factors right now, she said she will give it her best shot.  Even if she can't do the transfer, she will make it a priority to stop in and check in.  That, to me, is huge.  I would give anything to have her there performing the transfer, but even if I just get to see her, I will find that amazing!  

Y'all, this is all coming together perfectly.  The gratitude I have for everyone on this journey with us is exploding in my heart.  We will get a healthy baby, even if it takes a few tries, which is okay, too.  Remember, no expectations - just colossal and limitless faith.  Thank you all for reading and keeping us in your hearts and prayers - I feel it!


  1. Wonderful that you could talk to Dr. Nair; it sounds as if everything is falling in place. Have a happy, relaxed weekend....stay cool!

  2. Glad Dr. Nair was in duty today... Take care and be well.
