Wednesday, July 29, 2020


I have joined another Facebook group, specifically for surrogates that had an embryo transfer in July.  It seemed like a really good community to get involved in, but I am quickly re-thinking that decision.  Actually, I shouldn’t be so rude, but man some of these women are a little overboard!  As most of you know, Bethany asked me not to take any at home pregnancy tests.  Boy am I glad about that!  I am seeing ladies post pictures of tests several times a day, many that mark each days 5dpt, 8dpt, etc.  

On top of all the tests, in my mind, I do NOT see a line to indicate any positive result, but everyone else does.  Those are called “squinters,” apparently.  Then, tests in the next few days apparently darken so it is evident.  All I can think is about the added stress and anxiety these ladies must feel over the daily (sometimes twice a day) testing.  It sure does keep me grounded to just continue to hope and pray and let God have everything while I am just the vehicle to get there!

I actually asked the group if anyone else was not testing.  Three other people said no.  Y’all, there are 133 members in this group.  While I am sure not everyone saw my post or chose to respond, but that is such a minute percentage!  One lady offered that before she had gotten a positive test that she then miscarried due to a chemical pregnancy.  She decided she didn’t want to go through that false home again.  Makes total sense to me!  

It is interesting, too, how many people have no idea what is in their contract.  So many of them ask questions that Bethany/Phillip and I had clearly talked about through counseling and/or agreement drafting.  Things like bed rest after the transfer, or sex with your husband before/after.  It was very clear in our contract this information and I have no doubt.  It really sounds to me like these ladies placed so much faith in their agency and basically signed the bottom line.  I guess it was more about the money to them.  There’s no telling, but being in this group makes me really thankful for the uniqueness of our journey and how connected we all are!

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