Saturday, August 8, 2020

disclosing details

I had told Bethany earlier in the morning that I wanted to catch up with her, but didn't want to do so until I had some concrete information.  I tried to call her on my way back home, but she was out with some friends.  When she called me back, I was laying down and didn't have the energy to talk - I think I was delighted but exhausted by it all.  I decided I would run out to grab Gregory's school supplies and call her on the way.  

I think Bethany was dumbfounded by everything that had transpired over the last day.  I think that she was also a little upset that I didn't share it with them while it was happening.  She understood my position, but we settled, together, that they want to know everything - no matter if it creates additional worry or concern.  Fair enough.  This is their journey and I must respect their needs.  

We talked about everything and while she was happy about the results, she still seemed very worried.  Bethany has been struggling with how often to reach out, when to do so, etc.  She doesn't want to seem crazy or bothersome, but really wants to be a part of everything, as much as possible.  That works for me.  I let her know that the nurse this morning said that a "donor" nurse should call me later today with more instructions.  I would provide more information at that time.

When I got home, I even asked if she wanted to see the pictures of the toilet paper, pads, etc. from the escapades yesterday, she said absolutely.  I texted those to her and I think that they scared her further.  It was then she could see the clots.  

A little bit later, after talking to another nurse, I let her know that I would schedule more bloodwork for Monday and then be told about next steps once we had the results.  She seemed okay and let her family know about everything.  At that point, I had several people reaching out to me to offer such generosity and kindness as we work to get over these hurdles.  So, so very kind of everyone!

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