Friday, August 28, 2020

money money money

This is all such a racket.  Everything is about billing and money it seems.  How about we step aside and just put the patient at the forefront and forget everything else!  No way, that cannot be done – everybody has to get paid (which I understand, but why do we have to do so much extra?).  VCU called to tell me that my personal OB can get me on the calendar Tuesday for an ultrasound with hopefully scheduling a D&C for Wednesday.  I don’t understand the need for another ultrasound.  I have had two with no heartbeats.  Why another?  Oh, that’s right, they want to bill my insurance for it!  Whatever, I just want the show on the road so I accept the appointments.

Ever since arriving at my parents last night, it seemed like there was an elephant in the room.  I had to ask my parents if they were upset with me.  Quickly they said absolutely not, they are just worried about me.  I get it, but they didn’t sign up for this additional heartache either.  I think we are all just really sad right now.  We are all so invested to help provide a family for Bethany and Phillip and this has crushed us. 

My dad, Meade, a couple friends and I spent the afternoon fishing.  It was a great day!  Once after peeing on the boat, I saw a little bit of blood with the wipe.  Maybe my body is starting its own flushing process?  We shall see. 

Still no word from the financial coordinator at SGF – she must be really busy. 

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