Monday, August 31, 2020

there's more

I had the ultrasound with my not-so-favorite doctor this morning.  He stood behind the tech with his arms crossed and only spoke when I asked questions.  I had passed so much I asked if there was much more in there.  He said absolutely and that I needed a D&C.  I don’t know what it was but since last night was so tough and they said that there was a lot ore to pass, I lost it.  I cried and cried in that damn room when I was left alone.  I let myself have that moment, put my mask back on and went out to face the world and whatever was in front of me.

I would call my MD at VCU and see if they could get me in sooner.  I also talked to Kim briefly this morning.  I let her know I still hadn’t heard from the financial coordinator which was frustrating.  Kim showed she was also frustrated but would try to get her to reach out to me.  Based on what I had told her about last night, she suggested I should probably have gone to the ER and if it got that bad again, I needed to go.

I called my OB’s office and asked if we could just do the D&C on Wednesday verses the ultrasound tomorrow and then the D&C.  I told them it felt like it was just unnecessary billing to do a fourth ultrasound to determine there is no viable pregnancy just to get the procedure done.  I think I got through when I said that this was almost insurance fraud to me. 

A nurse called me back almost immediately and said I could probably get on the calendar today for an MVA – manual vacuum aspiration.  This is a less invasive procedure but does the same as the D&C.  Also, it is done in the office, not in the operating room, so it is a lot less expensive.  Best of both worlds – get it done today AND it is cheaper!  I am all in. However, I was not willing to do anything until I told Kim of the option to see if it was something we could consider.   I Immediately called Kim to ask if we could do this.  Being impatient me, I sent an email a couple hours later asking if she had more information.  She needed to hear more from the financial coordinator as well as from Dr. Nair as to if she was okay with it.

My parents were very worried about me.  They were going to come and stay a couple of days until we could get everything figured out.  This put my mind majorly at ease.  Just having them here will do me a world of good, plus they will help with the kids and house stuff, which I have been slacking on dealing with all of this.

Toward the end of the day, Kim let me know we could do the MVA.  Thank God!  I quickly called VCU to see if today was still an option.  It wasn’t.  Darn.  The soonest they could get me in was Friday.  I decided to take that slot verses staying on the calendar fro the ultrasound tomorrow and D&C Wednesday so I wouldn’t be down for so long and it would cost less.  Now, we just have to get to Friday!

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