Friday, October 29, 2021

the big day

This morning has gone par for the course lately.  It is pretty rainy so we didn't go for a walk this morning before school.  We were in the car and ready to drop of the kids right at 730.  There was an accident on the interstate so we weren't able to get here at 8 as we had hoped.  On the way, the school called and said that Meade had a fever.  Okay, Jacob was just dropping us off, so he would have to go straight back to school and grab her for the rest of the day.  I let the nurse know that Jacob would be there as soon as possible.

As we finished the drive in, I sent a couple of happy birthday messages and tried to respond to a million other messages - I have gotten so far behind.  Plus, reading all of the thoughtful messages makes me a little weepy.  I then got a voicemail from the school.  One of Gregory's teachers from last year had gone into the nurse's office and let her know about why we were headed to the hospital and the nurse was calling to say not to rush.  They would keep Meade in the clinic as long as possible.  So nice of them!  

Jacob dropped Mom and I off and we headed up to L&D.  It was a bit of a clusterfuck getting checked in.  They had no idea why I was there so early.  COVID test!  And, they had me sign a litany of forms.  When I kept signing, I had to ask about some of them.  They said one set is for me and one set is for the baby.  I then told them that it was not my baby and I was not to sign those.  Apparently, even though the manager was informed of our situation, that information never got passed along to those at the front desk.  Finally, they got that straight - what a pain in the ass!

The sweet nurse came out and asked me several questions and then took me back to our L&D room.  Mom and I sat in there for a while, we got the COVID test done finally, and I have just pulled out note cards to start writing some thank you notes.  Bethany just got here so I am putting those aside and the three of us will continue to chat until everyone is ready for the next steps.

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